Friday, December 14, 2018

Dec. 14

We lerned about the history of ginger bread men. We also did math and reading. We shared are teaching books on Monday. We also did multilpliocation and dividing in math.
By Alex G.
*Due to Early Dismissal on 12/21, I will be giving spelling tests AND pretzels (for those that participate in pretzel day) on Thursday 12/20--just an FYI!
*Please practice multiplication and division at home if you know your child is getting confused. Your child can use real objects as models and then they could write x or division sentences that relate!
*Please help your child find 1-2 favorite books from home if they haven't already done so. We are going to write about them in writing workshop!
*This week your child did their Information Writing post assessment. I am so proud of all of their writing. I actually graded their stories at a Sixer game and my section started passing them around. It was quite the scene!
*Winter PJ party 12/21! Please go to this link to see how you can help!