Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31

This week is are 2nd grade play. We got caterpillars a few weeks ago. Now we have 8 butterfly’s but some are still in their chrysalis. We are doing prepositions in writing. In spelling we are doing the pattern  -tion,  -ture, -ion.
By Alyssa
*Thank you for making it a priority to attend our second grade play! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! I am incredibly proud of our kids! 
*I will include ALL important dates to our Friday blogs moving forward. There will be no more newsletters! Please provide your feedback about our website if you have not done so already!
*June 3: Our last Scholastic book orders are due 
*June 7: Zoo Field Trip: all parents are welcome to chaperone as long as clearances are complete! (Memberships can not be used.) 8 parents are currently coming!
*June 14: 2nd grade End of Year Picnic 1:30-3:00 (Our room moms are currently collaborating with other room moms to plan our picnic. Stay tuned for more info coming soon!) 
*June 19: Noon Dismissal & Last day of School!